Everything Old Is New Again...
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As you can plainly see, we have given the Audio Damage website a much-needed overhaul. Due to being a very small company with a relatively high product cadence, the things we find unpleasant (updating the website to name one example) tend to languish a bit when we are pursuing a far more entertaining goal like making a new product. Apologies for that! But be that as it may, here we are with a new look to our website, and some fairly significant changes.
Principally, we have decided to make the entire Audio Damage legacy catalog free for everyone (no beer necessary). This collection comprises 33 plugins, and encompasses the entire history of the company, all the way back to Mayhem, released in 2002 (Mayhem even includes OS9 installers!) The reasoning behind this is threefold:
- The vast majority (like 90-95%) of our support email is people needing to get at the legacy versions from their pre-2016 Audio Damage accounts. This goes in cycles, but whenever Apple or Microsoft introduce a significant change to their respective platforms, hundreds or thousands of old customers come out of the woodwork looking for a 20-year-old installer. Since most of those products aren’t even in this post-2016 Shopify store, we end up sending Dropbox links to the installers over and over again. Just having these products out in the open will solve that issue.
- Most of these installers are readily available in “cracked” form, and someone that wants to use one of them is putting their computer (and thus their creative life) at risk of malware due to the nature of pirated software. Having “blessed” installers readily available from the source ensures that nobody will ever be punished for simply wanting to use one of our old products.
- Because of our small size and limited resources, updating these older products to work on contemporary systems just doesn't make much sense, business-wise. In many cases the code libraries on which they're based simply no longer exist and hence updating them would entail rewriting them almost in their entirety. As the saying goes, time is money, and the time we'd spent on such an endeavor would cost us more than we'd recoup in sales--particularly since the plugin market is now much, much larger than it was when these products were originally conceived.
Now, it is important to note the following: no support whatsoever is provided for these products.If you write us asking why an installer built for OS X 10.4 won’t work on a modern M1 MacBook Pro running Monterey, the answer is “because Apple,” and we simply don’t have the time to write that over and over again so we won’t respond at all. Most, if not all, of the Windows products will work in a DAW that is capable of hosting both 32- and 64-bit plugins, and many of the more recent products will work in Rosetta 2 on an M1 Mac. However, the further back in time you go, the less likely the plugin will work at all, on either system.
In general, if you’re on a Windows machine most everything will probably work. If you’re running a Mac with Sierra or earlier, most everything will probably work. If you’re running a Mac with High Sierra or later, the older products will not work at all, and some of the new ones may or may not. You’ll have to experiment to find out. Many of the oldest products require a registration code upon installation. If this is the case, one is provided in the Zip file, in a text file named Product_REG_CODE.
And finally, these products are still under the copyright of Audio Damage, Inc. They many not be repackaged or resold in any form. The EULA with each product is intact and active, and we will vigorously pursue anyone attempting to resell these products.
Now, on to the ramifications of this action: we have removed the Upgrades section of the store. In the future, if there is a crossgrade or upgrade for a product, we will email each owner of the previous product a discount code. But we will no longer offer multi-version jumps that cross decades of time. (e.g. from Discord 1 to Discord 4.) Moving forward, upgrade pricing will only be for one version. If you have a particular edge-case that this doesn’t cover, you’re welcome to write us and we’ll decide on a case-by-case basis, but on the whole, it has been 8 years since we started our paid upgrade program, and 3 years since we offered a new paid upgrade. We think that people have had ample time to take advantage of the bridge system we put in place.
So, with that, enjoy the new site and the old plugins, and let us know if we missed anything.
Since 2002, Audio Damage has been making creative software for discerning musicians.